Featured Work
Soul Map: Channeling, Art & Self-Realization
Here's my story: my life as an artist, how I began channeling and how I began working with angels. Interwoven with my story are messages from my Guides, The Ones and my angelic guides, as well as 20 channeled, spiritual lessons from George Harrison, images of my art, the 12 channeled energy mandalas. I describe my commitment to guiding others' process of becoming a fuller expression of who they are. Together, we are raising the planetary frequency!
$24 +$3.50 mailing. Email me!
I can sign it or include an inscription.
Beginning Anew:
Transformation through the Chakras & Expressive Arts
It's more imperative now than ever to leave the old patterns behind and create a life in alignment with soul. This book provides practical steps using expressive arts (drawing, painting, creative movement, clay, collage, meditation and more) to explore, release, and transmute the energies of the energy centers of the body, increasing clarity and motivation to create that new life. Shake things up and really get moving! Included in each chapter are channelings from The Ones.
A student recently wrote: (Winternight's) guidance encourages us to visualize energy flow while engaging in creative activities, further enhancing our intuitive responses. As I immersed myself in the colors, I sensed a deeper connection to my emotions, unveiling truths I hadn't even acknowledged before. The combination of creative expression and chakra awareness created a holistic experience of self-exploration. ~SF
$24 +$3.50 mailing. Email me!
I can sign it or include an inscription.
Buy BOTH books and save!
$40 + $5.95 mailing.
Email me for more information.
The Sacred Geometry Energy Mandalas
Twelve images were given to me in meditation by my guides, The Ones, along with the directions for painting them. Three of the twelve images are shown here, all 36" x 36" in size. Please email me to see more of them. A wonderful addition to your meditation space, the energy is palpable. They are also available in the smaller size, shown here as well.
Sacred Geometry: Intuition,
36" x 36" acrylic on canvas, $2200.
Guided by The Ones: Archangel Michael,
Archangel Metatron, and Sananda.
Sacred Geometry: Solar Plexus,
12" x 12" acrylic on canvas, $220. Guided by The Ones.
Sacred Geometry: Merkabah,
36" x 36" acrylic on canvas, $2200.
Guided by The Ones: Archangel Michael,
Archangel Metatron, and Sananda.
12" x 12" acrylic on canvas, $220.
Sacred Geometry: Color is Everything,
36" x 36" acrylic on canvas, $2200.
Guided by The Ones: Archangel Michael,
Archangel Metatron, and Sananda.
Sacred Geometry: Sacral Chakra,
12" x 12" acrylic on canvas, $220. Guided by The Ones.